Poplar Creek Guesthouse and Canoe Outfitting

Secluded Gunflint Trail Lodging


September 15, 2016

FALL IS HERE, Poplar Creek and Canoe Outfitting


September 15, 2016- The leaves are starting to turn and the temperature is slowly going down. The first to turn colors this year, on the Gunflint Trail are the birch which are turning yellow and the moose maple have begun to take a bright red color. Even a few leave are beginning to fall.

This morning the temperature dropped to 36 degrees. Over the past few weeks there as been several mornings in the forties. No frost yet but it will not be long before we see this.

Fall is certainly here!

September 15, 2016- The leaves are starting to turn and the temperature is slowly going down. The first to turn colors this year, on the Gunflint Trail are the birch which are turning yellow and the moose maple have begun to take a bright red color. Even a few leave are beginning to fall.

This morning the temperature dropped to 36 degrees. Over the past few weeks there as been several mornings in the forties. No frost yet but it will not be long before we see this.

Fall is certainly here!